Unlock the potential of your data

The data analysis

copilot for your data

Analyze data or make data predictions in plain english, right when you need it.

Industry leaders already trust Sulie in automating data analysis and predictive modelling

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Key Benefits

Cut ad-hoc requests with automated analytics and predictive modelling


What is the conversion distribution over the past 2 months for users acquired through Google Ads?


The conversion distribution has increased from 25% in January to 30% in February, a 5% growth in overall.


What is the conversion distribution over the past 2 months for users acquired through Google Ads?


The conversion distribution has increased from 25% in January to 30% in February, a 5% growth in overall.


What is the conversion distribution over the past 2 months for users acquired through Google Ads?


The conversion distribution has increased from 25% in January to 30% in February, a 5% growth in overall.

Get the data you need, instantly

Get the data you need, instantly

Chat with Sulie to get quick, clear answers to all your data-related questions. From sales statistics to marketing performance data, understanding your user journey has never been easier.

Chat with Sulie to get quick, clear answers to all your data-related questions. From sales statistics to marketing performance data, understanding your user journey has never been easier.


Alert me when average 7 days purchases fall by 5 percent.


Your purchases fell by 5% in the last 7 days.


Alert me when average 7 days purchases fall by 5 percent.


Your purchases fell by 5% in the last 7 days.


Alert me when average 7 days purchases fall by 5 percent.


Your purchases fell by 5% in the last 7 days.

Stay ahead with real-time alerts

Stay ahead with real-time alerts

Stay ahead with real-time alerts

Set alerts in Sulie and never miss critical changes. Whether your sales take a dip or churn begin to rise, stay on top of your game with instant updates that keep you informed and ready to act.

Set alerts in Sulie and never miss critical changes. Whether your sales take a dip or churn begin to rise, stay on top of your game with instant updates that keep you informed and ready to act.


Can you predict how many customers are likely to make repeat purchases, categorized by age groups?


18-24 y/o

25-44 y/o

45-65 y/o

Sure! I am crunching the data to predict the likelihood of your customers repurchasing across different age demographics.


Can you predict how many customers are likely to make repeat purchases, categorized by age groups?


18-24 y/o

25-44 y/o

45-65 y/o

Sure! I am crunching the data to predict the likelihood of your customers repurchasing across different age demographics.


Can you predict how many customers are likely to make repeat purchases, categorized by age groups?


18-24 y/o

25-44 y/o

45-65 y/o

Sure! I am analyzing the data to predict the likelihood of your customers repurchasing across different age demographics.

Simplify data science with AI

Simplify data science with AI

Simplify data science with AI

Gen AI meets data science. Leverage Sulie to predict outcomes of your marketing campaigns or user journey without any coding.

Gen AI meets data science. Leverage Sulie to predict outcomes of your marketing campaigns or user journey without any coding.


data is safe

with Sulie

with Sulie

with Sulie

Keeping your data safe and sound

Keeping your data safe and sound

Sulie follows enterprise-grade best practices to safeguard your sensitive information. We encrypt all data, ensure no data is shared between customers, and comply with data privacy regulations including GDPR.

Your data stays with you

Your data stays with you

Our on-premise option ensures complete data privacy, allowing you to host data analysis and predictive models, entirely within your environment, without sharing any data with our platform.

Sulie works easily and securely with your database

...and, did we mention you can talk with

...and, did we
mention you can talk with

Sulie directly in




How does Sulie work?
Sulie transforms the way your team analyzes data and predicts business outcomes using only natural language. Just ask your questions, and Sulie converts them to powerful data analysis queries or predicts outcomes without requiring any model training. Our aim is to make complex data analysis and predictive modelling not only cheaper and faster, but also accessible to everyone, no matter their technical skills.
How does Sulie help teams to be more productive?
With Sulie, your team can skip the hassle of writing complex SQL queries, depending on outdated dashboards, or waiting on data scientists for custom predictive models. Our platform empowers everyone, no matter their technical skills, to conduct in-depth data analysis and build accurate predictions. This means any of your teams can make faster, smarter, and more informed decisions effortlessly.
How does Sulie ease predictive modelling?
Predictive modeling has been around for decades, but deploying it can be a real headache. From time-consuming data preparation and cleaning to feature engineering, model training, and constant re-training due to data changes, it’s a lot to manage. Sulie simplifies all these tasks with a single, powerful general model. No more complex, lengthy model-building processes—just ask your questions and get accurate predictions in seconds. Save time and effort, and focus on making informed decisions swiftly. The best part? We provide full transparency on the accuracy of these predictions, including error rates, so you can be confident that the predictions are reliable and sound.
What sets Sulie apart from the competitors?
Most traditional tools require a deep understanding of machine learning and force users to actively train each predictive model. This can be a huge barrier for non-technical teams like marketing, product, or operations, making it tough for them to get accurate predictions independently. Sulie changes the game by providing instant predictions without the need for model training or long wait times. Plus, we automate complex tasks like data cleaning, preparation, and feature engineering, so your team can focus on leveraging these insights rather than getting bogged down in the details.
Does Sulie store any of our data?
Rest assured, Sulie does not store any of your data in our database. To perform data analysis through natural language, Sulie only needs read access to your integrated data sources. When you ask a question, Sulie reads the relevant data and only stores a summary necessary to answer your query. Your data remains secure and in your control.
What security features does Sulie enforce to safeguard our data?
Sulie prioritizes data security by employing enterprise-grade best practices. We ensure all customer data, whether in transit or at rest, is thoroughly encrypted and strictly confined within our infrastructure. Our services are built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a platform renowned for its leading-edge security, privacy, and operational monitoring capabilities. So, our customers can rest assured their data is in safe and competent hands.
How does Sulie work?
Sulie transforms the way your team analyzes data and predicts business outcomes using only natural language. Just ask your questions, and Sulie converts them to powerful data analysis queries or predicts outcomes without requiring any model training. Our aim is to make complex data analysis and predictive modelling not only cheaper and faster, but also accessible to everyone, no matter their technical skills.
How does Sulie help teams to be more productive?
With Sulie, your team can skip the hassle of writing complex SQL queries, depending on outdated dashboards, or waiting on data scientists for custom predictive models. Our platform empowers everyone, no matter their technical skills, to conduct in-depth data analysis and build accurate predictions. This means any of your teams can make faster, smarter, and more informed decisions effortlessly.
How does Sulie ease predictive modelling?
Predictive modeling has been around for decades, but deploying it can be a real headache. From time-consuming data preparation and cleaning to feature engineering, model training, and constant re-training due to data changes, it’s a lot to manage. Sulie simplifies all these tasks with a single, powerful general model. No more complex, lengthy model-building processes—just ask your questions and get accurate predictions in seconds. Save time and effort, and focus on making informed decisions swiftly. The best part? We provide full transparency on the accuracy of these predictions, including error rates, so you can be confident that the predictions are reliable and sound.
What sets Sulie apart from the competitors?
Most traditional tools require a deep understanding of machine learning and force users to actively train each predictive model. This can be a huge barrier for non-technical teams like marketing, product, or operations, making it tough for them to get accurate predictions independently. Sulie changes the game by providing instant predictions without the need for model training or long wait times. Plus, we automate complex tasks like data cleaning, preparation, and feature engineering, so your team can focus on leveraging these insights rather than getting bogged down in the details.
Does Sulie store any of our data?
Rest assured, Sulie does not store any of your data in our database. To perform data analysis through natural language, Sulie only needs read access to your integrated data sources. When you ask a question, Sulie reads the relevant data and only stores a summary necessary to answer your query. Your data remains secure and in your control.
What security features does Sulie enforce to safeguard our data?
Sulie prioritizes data security by employing enterprise-grade best practices. We ensure all customer data, whether in transit or at rest, is thoroughly encrypted and strictly confined within our infrastructure. Our services are built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a platform renowned for its leading-edge security, privacy, and operational monitoring capabilities. So, our customers can rest assured their data is in safe and competent hands.
How does Sulie work?
Sulie transforms the way your team analyzes data and predicts business outcomes using only natural language. Just ask your questions, and Sulie converts them to powerful data analysis queries or predicts outcomes without requiring any model training. Our aim is to make complex data analysis and predictive modelling not only cheaper and faster, but also accessible to everyone, no matter their technical skills.
How does Sulie help teams to be more productive?
With Sulie, your team can skip the hassle of writing complex SQL queries, depending on outdated dashboards, or waiting on data scientists for custom predictive models. Our platform empowers everyone, no matter their technical skills, to conduct in-depth data analysis and build accurate predictions. This means any of your teams can make faster, smarter, and more informed decisions effortlessly.
How does Sulie ease predictive modelling?
Predictive modeling has been around for decades, but deploying it can be a real headache. From time-consuming data preparation and cleaning to feature engineering, model training, and constant re-training due to data changes, it’s a lot to manage. Sulie simplifies all these tasks with a single, powerful general model. No more complex, lengthy model-building processes—just ask your questions and get accurate predictions in seconds. Save time and effort, and focus on making informed decisions swiftly. The best part? We provide full transparency on the accuracy of these predictions, including error rates, so you can be confident that the predictions are reliable and sound.
What sets Sulie apart from the competitors?
Most traditional tools require a deep understanding of machine learning and force users to actively train each predictive model. This can be a huge barrier for non-technical teams like marketing, product, or operations, making it tough for them to get accurate predictions independently. Sulie changes the game by providing instant predictions without the need for model training or long wait times. Plus, we automate complex tasks like data cleaning, preparation, and feature engineering, so your team can focus on leveraging these insights rather than getting bogged down in the details.
Does Sulie store any of our data?
Rest assured, Sulie does not store any of your data in our database. To perform data analysis through natural language, Sulie only needs read access to your integrated data sources. When you ask a question, Sulie reads the relevant data and only stores a summary necessary to answer your query. Your data remains secure and in your control.
What security features does Sulie enforce to safeguard our data?
Sulie prioritizes data security by employing enterprise-grade best practices. We ensure all customer data, whether in transit or at rest, is thoroughly encrypted and strictly confined within our infrastructure. Our services are built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), a platform renowned for its leading-edge security, privacy, and operational monitoring capabilities. So, our customers can rest assured their data is in safe and competent hands.

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©️2024 Sulie. All rights reserved.